Author:  Greg Doepke
Founder, Aspire to Give® Academy,
Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy ®

C2 Pathway to Purpose:
Stories & Questions for Clarity

Course Description

Engage your feeling heart and thinking head in Pathways to Purpose – the second dynamic course of the two-course program for adults navigating life's transitions. This empowering course follows a proven transition roadmap, engages purposeful storytelling, and teaches goal setting and critical thinking to help you find clarity and chart a personalized path forward. Discover your unique sweet spot where passion and strengths align with your renewed purpose and harness the power of your life stories to shape a purpose-driven successful future.

Success Coaching

Besides supporting learners with email support, a skilled Success Coach leads each cohort (group) of 8-15 learners with video conferencing opportunities:

  • Lesson 1: "Meet & Greet" (Required)
  • Lessons 3 & 6: "Coach's Corner Check-in" (Optional Open-door)
  • Lesson 10: "Celebrate & Reflect" (Required)

Course Lesson Titles and Summaries

L1 Start with Generous Inquiry (GI): Take a deep dive into the GI process to learn its roots and how the Socratic method, Appreciative Inquiry, and the principles of Reciprocal Benevolence evolved to Generous Inquiry. Focus on defining purpose and the first three steps of discovery, dream, and design.

L2 Highlight Purpose: Understand the importance of your "Why?" answer as the compass for life’s direction. Gain clarity as to the reason you do what you do. Review your life’s journey to recognize and appreciate your pivot points and the role of a Success Coach to better understand their importance of life’s journey.

L3 Find Meaning in Stories:
Harness the power of storytelling to illuminate the values and lessons ingrained in personal narratives. You will learn to dissect storytelling components, amplifying the meaning behind every life event and character in stories.

L4 Share Your Stories:
Delve into powerful, positive stories of your passions and successes as you share them to inspire positive possibilities for your transition journey. These narratives provide valuable insights into leveraging your passions and strengths as a potent personal growth tool.

L5 Find Your Sweet spot:
Recognize the confluence of passion, strengths, joy, and personal meaning as the personal sweet spot and that everyone’s sweet spot is unique to the individual. Recognizing others’ sweet spot is essential in mastering your life’s transitions. Drawing on your own experience, tentatively identify pivot points and sweet spots thus far on your life’s journey.

L6 Frame Your Transition:
Organize and structure your transition effectively with clarity and intentionality by comprehensively identifying and defining the different components of your transition setting with seven distinct questions.

L7 Clarify Your SMART Goals:
With the support and guidance of your success coach, learn how to set and achieve your transition goals, set and draft preliminary goals for your transition, and clarify the approach you will implement to achieve your goals.

L8 Pursue Your Path to Purpose:
With your transition coach at your side, a targeted sweet spot, and a refreshed, personal purpose, chart your path for your transition. Identify the critical choices confronting you and employ the proven PACE step-by-step decision-making process to draft your transition pathway.

L9 Assess with Critical Thinking Tools I:
Enable wiser decisions with three inquiry-based, practical thinking tools. The first tool is the human-sciences derivative of Toyota’s “5 Why “root-cause analysis. The second thinking tool focuses on the consistency of thoughts, words, and actions to target specific, desired outcomes. The third tool unleashes life transition possibilities with three simple, reflective, generous questions.

L10 Decide with Critical Thinking Tools II: Elevate your decision-making with three additional, easy, inquiry-based thinking tools: one that asks four simple questions that frame a complete strategy for managing the risks of choices. Learn how to discern and find truth through self-questioning. To wrap up your decision-making process, learn to evaluate options with the Six Thinking Hats® methodology adapted to the needs of mastering life transition decision-making.

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