Success Coaching

(left click on down arrow for the answer)
What is the role of a Success Coach at the Academy?
The Success Coach guides, supports, and mentors learners through their courses, ensuring they apply their learning to achieve personal goals, growth, and pursue their renewed purpose.
How does a Success Coach help a learner succeed in their life's transition?  
The Success Coach provides caring guidance, ongoing support, and practical insights, helping learners sort through the choices, overcome the challenges, and adapt to the changes of life's transitions.
As an organization, we are considering Aspire to Give Academy's courses and programs for our employees or members. Can we have an in-house Success Coach for our organization?
Yes, we are looking for like-minded, experienced coaches who seek to enhance the personal and professional lives of their employees or members. For inquiries, please send an email to coaching@AspiretoGive.com.
What makes Aspire to Give® Academy's Success Coaching unique?
Self-leadership is essential for mastering life’s transitions. Aspire to Give Academy’s Success Coaching cultivates this by embodying West Point’s leadership principle that to lead others and build your best life, you must first lead yourself by nurturing your mind, honing and expanding skills, and accessing vital tools and resources.
I am currently an independent professional coach.  How might  I  become a qualified Success Coach with Aspire to Give® Academy?
Aspire to Give® Academy is always looking for affiliated Success Coaches to facilitate program cohorts of a common demographic profile. For inquiries, please reach out Valerie, our lead of success coaching: Valerie@aspiretogive.com
How often will I have access to my Success Coach during a course? 
Cohort learners will meet their Success Coach in a video session at the beginning of each course and then again to conclude the course. In addition, there will be two additional video group learning sessions during the course.  Furthermore, learners will have access to their Success Coach with ongoing email support.
What is expected of me as a learner in a coaching video session?
Learners are expected to actively and visibly participate, be open to sharing with and learning from others, and engaging in practical, personal exercises for each lesson.
How do Success Coaches help with career transitions?
Success coaches are readily available to clarify content, offer additional resources, and provide motivational support.
What are the qualifying standards for a Success Coach?
Whether they be an Academy, affiliate organization, or an independent professional coach, a Success Coach must meet strict qualification, vetting, and continuing education requirements.
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